About us

We are a team of researchers, product designers, innovators and transportation experts within RideAmigos dedicated to exploring the challenges of and solutions to the world’s commuting challenges. We partner with the world’s top leaders in mobility, transportation, behavioral science, and organizational success to conduct world-class research projects. 

Our key areas of interest 

  • The behavioral economics of commuting

  • The political economy of commuting

  • The role of commuting in shaping organizational and community wellbeing

  • Strategies for mitigating environmental impacts of commuter transportation

Who benefits

Research conducted within RideAmigos Labs is made available to all, across industry verticals, shared through publications, articles and other media. We also bring our findings into solution experimentation processes, which often lead to product innovation within our RideAmigos suite of offerings.

Partnering with us

We welcome opportunities for partnership with organizations or individuals that help us forward our mission of empowering commuters to make smarter transportation choices and reducing environmental impact. If you are interested in collaboration, reach out to us!